Food Hygiene and Safety

Information about food hygiene and safety, including setting up and registering a business, food hygiene ratings, complaints and more.

Services List

Starting a Food Business

Starting your own food business? You can find out everything you need to know and register a new food business here.

Food Safety Standards and Enforcement

Make a food safety complaint and learn about how the Council enforces food hygiene and safety through inspections, the food hygiene rating scheme, and food sampling.

Approved Food Premises

There are strict regulations governing those businesses involved in food handling and they may need to apply for Approved Food Premises status.

Primary Authority Partnerships

A Primary Authority partnership is when a business forms a statutory partnership with a single local authority regulator. The Authority becomes their primary contact for regulatory compliance across the country.

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Opening times

Monday to Friday, 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays: Closed