Fast support agreed to help residents with cost of living

Many residents continue to struggle with the ongoing cost of living crisis across the region. That is why we continue to work hard to support to those who need it through our Household Support Fund.

Our Hub Committee agreed to take fast action to get £150 support payments into the pockets of residents as quickly as possible, at our meeting today, Tuesday 11 July.

The support is aimed to help with essential living basics, such as food, energy, water, and other necessary bills that people might be struggling to pay.

Using funding from the Department for Work and Pensions, we are spending the first funding pot of £111,966 to help residents until the end of summer. A further £136,848 will follow to provide support through the winter period.

Using the balance from Council Tax Support fund to the tune of £30,123, we will also top up the Exceptional Hardship Fund which helps residents on a low income with paying their Council Tax.

We are keen to help those who may be in difficulties, who have not had any previous support from government funding. Those residents benefiting from this round of funding will be those:

  • in single income households in receipt of Council Tax Reduction
  • who have caring responsibilities who receive Council Tax Reduction and Carers Allowance
  • who receive War Disablement Pension (on 1 August 2023)

Further payments of up to £250 will follow in December 2023, although households will only receive one payment even if they fall into more than one category.

144 pensioners have been contacted by letter by us to ensure everyone is encouraged to claim what they are entitled to. If you know of a pensioner who has not yet claimed, please direct them to go to

Our Executive Member for Health & Wellbeing, Cllr Tony Leech, said:"With this funding round, we want to look towards those who may not have received any help but need our support; those surviving on a lone wage, trying to make ends meet.

"Carers who do so much to support their families and in turn our communities, are next in line for our help. Finally, those veterans who are in receipt of a pension for their services to our country. Veterans who may have been injured or suffered from illness because of their armed forces service, deserve our lasting support and thanks.

"As always, there are so many people we wish we could help if we had the finances, and we do what we can. Hopefully, this money will help our residents make life just that little bit easier."

What Council Tax help can residents get?

If you are not eligible for this £150 payment, you may be able to claim support through a Council Tax discount.

If you are on a low income or on certain benefits, you may also be able to claim help through our Council Tax Reduction scheme.

You can find out more about what is on offer at:

Information about our Support Directory can be found here:

If you do not have access to online services, you can also call our Customer Service Team for help when applying on 01822 813600.