Baker Estates begin work on Plymouth Road site in Tavistock

Baker Estates have now started Highways works for the access to the site on Plymouth Road and will shortly begin the development of the wider site.

The site has two planning permissions, and the Council is calling upon the developer to let the community know which permission they are going to carry out.

In December 2021, West Devon Borough Council’s Planning Committee considered two separate planning applications submitted by Baker Estates for development on the land on Plymouth Road.

One of the two applications was for 44 residential dwellings and an extra care facility for up to 60 homes which the Planning Committee approved. A second application was considered at the same time for 44 residential dwellings, but instead of the extra care facility, they included plans for commercial land which was refused by the Committee.

An appeal was lodged by Baker Estates last summer. The Planning Inspectorate allowed the appeal on the application which included commercial land, granting a second Planning Permission on the site.

The Council was disappointed by the Planning Inspectorate’s decision to overturn its choice to only approve the planning application which would have provided essential assisted living provision in Tavistock.

The two schemes are the same in terms of the residential component. The extra care and the commercial land are where the two permissions differ. In addition, the detailed plans for this part of the site need reserved matters planning consent.

The Council has asked Baker Estates to advise which of the two permissions they are applying but no formal written confirmation has been received by the Council. Baker Estates has however provided the Council with formal notice that they are starting both schemes.

Requirements on the Planning Permissions require Baker Estates, prior to the occupation of 25% (11 dwellings) of the residential part of the site, to carry out certain activities elsewhere on the site. Those activities would make it clear which Planning Permission is being fully implemented.

However, The Council believes the Community has the right to know which development is being taken forward now.

Mark Renders, West Devon Borough Council’s Lead Member for Housing, said:

“We were extremely frustrated and disappointed with the Planning Inspectorate’s decision to grant the Employment Land Application. We firmly believe we made the right decision at the Planning Committee meeting for the residents of Tavistock, to provide a much-needed assisted living provision for the area. It really does feel like this is a case of profit before the needs of people and communities, which is disappointing.” 

“Of course, we know that commercial space is always needed to support the economic needs of our communities and we will continue to meet these needs, but we feel this was not the greatest need for this location, at the time.”

“We are disappointed that despite work on the site commencing that Baker Estates have not confirmed formally which one of the Planning Permissions is being developed and really believe the Community has a right to know and should be informed, by Baker Estates, as a matter of urgency.”