Local Search Questions and Additional Searches

If you have a question about an item on a local search result or need further searches, you can find more information here.

I need to ask about an item on my search result.

Details of the agencies and organisations you should contact for more information are listed here:

  • Planning queries within the Council's area and outside of Dartmoor National Park: Please contact us for further information
  • Planning queries within the boundaries of Dartmoor National Park: Please contact Dartmoor National Park Authority (opens in new window).
  • Highways queries relating to such things as the extent of an adopted highway: Please contact Devon County Council Land Charges (opens in new window).
  • Public Rights of Way maps can be viewed at Devon County Council Mapping Service (opens in new window).
  • Highways Agency for any questions about Trunk Roads such as the A30 or A38: Please contact Highways England (opens in new window).

I need to carry out additional searches for mining works and water/drainage mining searches

This is just a selection of companies that can offer mining searches:

I need assistance with water and/or drainage searches.

Please contact South West Water.

For any further information, please contact the Local Land Charges team and we will do our best to help you. Our email address is searches@swdevon.gov.uk